The transition from celebrity to a spiritual or religious guide offers a captivating narrative. Using Kanter’s (1972) model of charismatic leadership as a lens, we can follow the trajectory from the peak of fame, navigating an epoch of crisis, to the establishment of a fervent and dedicated following. ‘Charisma in a leader can be linked to innovation and breakthroughs. Yet highly charismatic leaders are prone to overconfidence; eccentricity; and attention-seeking, manipulative behaviour’ (Shonk, 2023).
From Motivational Speaker to Spiritual Leader: The Tony Robbins Phenomenon
Tony Robbins, who began his climb as a motivational speaker, progressively incorporated spiritual elements into his seminars. These events, echoing religious revivals, may extend beyond just self-help. The significant costs linked with Robbins' sessions, and the ardent dedication of attendees, align his brand with what may look like an exclusive, premium religious circle. Observing Kanter's model, Robbins' journey covers pioneering transformative strategies, enduring criticism (during the crisis stage), to building a base resonating with spiritual devotion. Robbins' advancing age and possibly heightened importance on rituals and language, indicate that the good days are over. With the growing prominence of his wife within the brand, there may emerge a sentiment that the pinnacle might have been reached, marking a precarious transitional phase ahead.

Russell Brand's Evolution: Merging Spirituality with Political Commentary
Russell Brand's multifarious career pivoted distinctively with his children’s book, "The Pied Piper of Hamelin." This work, while tailored for younger readers, subtly places Brand on a pedestal as a pied-piper-like leader. Furthermore, his YouTube and Rumble streams, overflowing with political analysis intertwined with spiritual insights, may have a pronounced impact on his audience. Followers express heightened consciousness of societal challenges, deeper spiritual inquisitiveness, and a drive to question mainstream perspectives, all sparked by Brand's amalgamation of spirituality and political discourse. Is it balance, neutrality or neither?

Implications and Conclusions
Kanter's model, emphasising a shift from initial recognition, through adversity, to a formation of a devout following, offers invaluable insights into understanding the evolution of figures like Robbins and Brand. Their trajectories underscore a profound societal yearning for spiritual leadership in an era where traditional pillars are faltering. While Kanter’s model provides a framework for these transitions, it is paramount for audiences to engage with such influential figures discerningly.
As these personalities merge spirituality with other domains (such as politics in Brand's context), it's vital for devotees to differentiate personal convictions from the broader message, ensuring the sanctity of spiritual insights remains untouched. Don’t get caught up and loose your shit.
So where to from here?
How does one who finds themselves in a Brand or Robbins situation avoid the pitfalls of other past movements (such as: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Shannon Schaeffer in the Netflix series Painkiller, et al)?
How could Tony really not be your guru?
Russell’s awakening wonders keep growing.
Kanter, R. M. (1972). Commitment and Community: Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective. Harvard University Press.
Shonk, K. (2023) Charismatic Leadership: Weighing the Pros and Cons, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School, [online] Available at: https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/leadership-skills-daily/charismatic-leadership-weighing-the-pros-and-cons/